Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Shower Epiphonies -- Revelations

So I had an epiphony in the shower. It's probably not what you think. I was thinking about the past week or so. About girls, about dancing, music, relationships and myself. In particular it would have been about how I relate and interact with those things.

I epiphonied! I really like who I am.

That may not seem like a whole lot but for the past decade I haven't. Now about March last year I decided I wanted to really like and be at peace with who I am. I focused on it for a couple months thought it was getting better, getting worse. As with alot of things like that I really gave up on it and just continued on living.

I don't know when the change occured or what it was that changed my mind but I came to the realisation that, "I am who I am, want to be and will choose to be whoever I am. I am a good person and deserving of peoples time. If they don't give me their time there is nothing wrong with that. I really like who I am".

Thats a hell of thing for me!
I wanted to capture this moment more for me than for anyone else.
Welcome to being privy to me!

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